Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Multiple Mama Love Story

In honour of Valentines Love season and with the help of some of my blogger friends I am happy to have again this year the A-Ha love series to celebrate February, love, relationships and of course my anniversary- teehee looking at 13 years on Valentine's day.

A Multiple Mama Love Story- So happy to have Andrea of Multiple one of my fav blogger Moms share her wonderful A~Ha love story with us today. Like me she is a mother of 4 and I enjoy her witty stories of life with multiples- yes she has a daughter, twin cuties and now a newborn. So honestly just absolutely honoured that she could find time in her busy schedule to share her A~Ha moment with us.

My love story…

This is a post I have been procrastinating my butt around for an entire year.

Yep, a whole year.


Because my love story is not a great one.

It is not a bad one.

It is just not fireworks and skywriting kind of great.

It is more a collection of the happy mistakes and blunders that turned out well kind.

See, we were set up on a blind date as a result of me having a few drinks and telling a work acquaintance that I hated the other people at the table. All of them. All except her of course. And somehow that gave her, and her husband, the idea I should date their friend.

Makes total sense right? Well, we were teachers and it was the last day of school. Nothing makes sense to teachers by then.

And so there we were on a blind date at California Pizza Kitchen for lunch. I drove myself after refusing to give him my home address. And then I ended it early because my dog was sick. No, really she was. I wasn't just making it up. But, I figured he would think I was and that would probably be that.

And when he didn't call for a few weeks I just kinda didn't think about it.

Maybe the fact that I am never home and didn't have an answering machine at the time had something to do with it. At least that is what he claims now.

But seriously, one thing I know now that I didn't fully understand then is he wasn't my type. And by that I mean he wasn't the unavailable, flaky, unreliable, baggage up to his eyeballs kinda guy. You know that spend half their time in the gym trading tips on how to sweep women off their feet, and then consequently, even if just metaphorically, dump them on their heads?

He was a nice guy. And I hardly knew what to do with that.

Anyway, for one reason or another the entire summer slipped by without us seeing each other again. And finally we were back at school for our first teacher meeting. And the instigators behind our meeting were planning a group outing for all four of us.

And that date?

Well, it was an entire day (like earlier than most single people get out of bed kind of entire day) filled with overbooked trains and no reserved seats, coupled with horse racing, and bets which I never could understand.

But, by the end when we found ourselves back where we started and I had my first opportunity to go home. I didn't.

No, I didn't spend the night. This isn't that kind of post.

We went to dinner. Our third meal together that day. And for some reason it still didn't feel like enough.

The rest is, as they say, history.

Almost seven years later, here we are with four kids and starting a brand new journey in our new house and neighborhood.

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